Son Woong-jung, the father of Son Heung-min and director of the SON Soccer Academy, said, “I hope my son Son Heung-min will retire happily playing soccer even if he doesn’t get paid.”
Son Woong-jung appeared on MBC Standard FM’s ‘Hello, Lee Moon-se’ on July 7, where Lee Moon-se asked, “What will happen if Son Heung-min goes back to the Premier League (EPL), will he continue to play or will he go to another club?”
“If a foreign player plays for Tottenham for 10 years, he is treated as a legend, and if he goes to Tottenham after five years or 10 years, he is given the privilege of gathering 22 foreign players to play at Tottenham Stadium,” Son said, adding, “It’s not because of that benefit. Heung-min is over 30 years old, but he doesn’t get involved.” He added, ‘I tell him, ’Even if you don’t have a single salary, you’re going to play. I told him, ‘Even if you don’t have any salary, 카지노사이트 I want to see you retire happily kicking the ball in the city and club you want to live in.

Regarding the Son Heung-min transfer rumors, he said, “It’s about where you put your value. I told Heung-min, ‘Ever since I said I wanted to play soccer in the third grade, I’ve only looked at Heung-min and soccer. “I told Heung-min, ‘Ever since I said I wanted to play soccer in the third grade, I’ve only looked at you and soccer,’” he said, adding, “I told him, ‘I hope you value happiness, not money, when you retire, just as you did because you loved soccer.
As for where he sees himself in 10 years, he said, “I’ll still be a young man. You have to be young to do anything,” he said, adding, ‘I think you shouldn’t let go of three things before you go into the coffin: learning, passion, and positive curiosity.’
Son is also known for his strict self-care regimen. “I don’t drink or smoke,” he said, “I value myself too much. Why should I put something unhealthy into my precious body. I love sports so much that I don’t think about it at all.” He also said that his daily routine consists of exercising, cleaning, and reading, adding, ‘I’m not interested in drinking, and I don’t spend even one minute on that.’
Director Son Woong-jung also said of himself, “I like simple things. Even with all my luggage, including three pairs of shoes, I only need one suitcase,” and ”I don’t think we need so much money if we live frugally and spend fractionally. It’s confusing when you have a lot of stuff.” He also said, ”I don’t consider myself humble. I think humility is the way to be a human being.”
When asked about Lee Moon-se, who retired at the age of 29 after an accident during a match and is on a solid path as a leader, Son said, “I don’t think I’m a solid leader. It is my will to create a player who can make a difference in Korean football when he grows up through the guidance of others, not the programs in the system, with a passion and always learning.” ‘I have to take the initiative to live my life, but (people) say that I live my life with words and thoughts, and I think that I am living the life that society demands,’ he said.